Dear family,
It's has been a fantastic week! We went to two expanded zone conferences. They did almost the exact same thing at each zone conference, but I enjoyed each one and learned something new each time. They showed clips from Elder Ballard's talk about following up and how important it is to follow up. They also showed another clip about what a simple invite can do. To help people know how to follow up they talked about using what they call a willing and brief invitation. So you might say something like, "would you be willing to listen to a brief presentation about_______." The presentation could really be about anything like the temple, family history, the Book of Mormon, ect. We had a pretty busy week with the zone conferences and other events and appointments going on.
We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ to one of our investigators and the lesson went really well. He is doing great and is still excited to join and have the priesthood in his home. A week of two ago we met a part member family. The father is less active and the mother and kids are not members. We stopped by and invited them to church on Saturday and they ended up coming. It was awesome to see after sacrament meeting several people came up and introduced themselves. The non-member mother wasn't planning on staying for the whole time, but she ended up going to sunday school with two of their neighbors. It's always exciting to see the members in the ward excited to introduce themselves and invite them to sit with them.
This week is transfers, but I'm staying in the same area. I'm glad I get to stay for another transfer!
Thanks for all you prayers! I love you all!
Elder Joshua Gandy