Dear family,
It sounds like a really fun trip in California! It's cool that you have pictures to remember that wave. Hope you have a fun time in Disneyland!
The common ancestor that I have with one of our investigators is on Grandma Partna's line. It is actually a little ways back, but their last name is Herr. John Neff (senior, I believe) married a Herr. The ancestor we definitely have in common is Bishop Hans Herr. They actually showed me a picture in their home of his house in Pennsylvania. We went over for a lesson and we ended up talking about family history and why we do it. I'm not quite sure when or if they will join the church (missionaries have been working with them for a long time), but they have been coming to church the past couple of weeks in row. Hopefully they keep coming. They also have great fellowships and they absolutely love all of the members.
We also had a potential investigator come to church on Sunday. She lives in the same apartments as us and some of the other missionaries helped her move some furniture. We ended up going by and invited her to church. Most potentials usually don't just show up at church, but she just walked in and the relief society president invited her to sit with them. It was really lucky that she met the relief society president because it was a missionary farewell and there were a lot of visitors. She really liked church and she wants to come back! She also wants to learn about the temple.
We also had another neat experience this week. Last Monday evening we had an appointment with a member family and before that we stopped by all the people we had planned to visit. We had about ten minutes before our appointment and I couldn't think of anyone close by that we could stop by. We decided to ride around the neighborhood to see if there was anyone to talk to. As we rode our bikes down the street we saw a man standing outside on the curb. We talked to him and found out his A/C is broken. We also taught him a little bit about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. When we were about to leave he said "I know there was a reason I walked outside." We haven't been able to teach him yet, but it's really cool to see how we can be led to them and they can be led to us.
L. is being baptized this week on Saturday. I feel like teaching him has gone really fast. I guess it was only three weeks ago that we started teaching him. Usually it doesn't happen that fast. He is a quieter guy, but he is really nice. We also went to young mens this week and talked to the priests about missions. There were a couple of recently returned missionaries and us and we had a question and answer session. It was a lot of fun. We also got a new bishop in the Crystal Shores ward. After being here for so long I really almost feel like a part of the ward. It will be fun to get to know and work with the new bishop!
We did some service this week for an older lady. We met this lady at the ice cream social that the ward had a several weeks ago. She went over to the neighbor that invited her to the ice cream social and asked them if we could come help her plant her garden. So we helped plant a garden this week and helped her with a couple other things. Hopefully none of the plants die, because I was not quite sure what I was doing. They should be good though. She is not interested in the church, but it was a great chance to do service.
We have another expanded zone conference this week! I believe I told you about the last couple that we have had. It's the zone conference for members and missionaries. I really hope a lot of members come because they really are great! They are fun and interactive and you learn so much. The area seventy for this area is also coming and speaking at the zone conference. I was also asked to be in a musical number for it so that should be fun.
It's great to be a missionary! I would not want to be doing anything else right now. I'm grateful every day for this opportunity to be here. It is amazing the joy that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings to our lives. I know that this is Christ's church. Thank you for all the prayers and all that you do for me. I love you all so much!