Dear family,
It has been great and warm week! I think the high for this week was around 116! For some reason I enjoy it. We had transfers this week and we got a couple of new people in the district. It should be a great transfer! I'm with Elder Jewkes still in the same area. I seem to stay in areas for quite a while, but I like it that way. J. is still on date to be baptized for this coming Saturday. We were only able to teach him twice this week because of his work schedule. I think I already mentioned he does air conditioning and it's a really popular thing right now in Arizona. He is really excited to be baptized and he makes comments all the time like, "Wow this really is the true church." He says he will keep the commandments we teach before we can even extend the commitment to keep them. We need to meet with him a couple times this week so he can be baptized, but he said he was willing to do anything to do it. We met with the part member family we have been working with for a while now, but the past couple weeks we haven't been able to meet with them. We were able to teach them a short lesson this week and the wife Wendy, who is not a member, came to church this week. Some other exciting news is that Rob got the priesthood yesterday! I was really excited to hear about that! At church we had three of the people we've been working with. They all came to gospel principle and we had a great lesson.
Being a missionary is great! I love being able to serve here at this time. Thank you for all of your prayers. I love you all so much!
Elder Joshua Gandy
P.S. I just talked to a missionary that met Joseph yesterday at the singles ward.