Dear family,
It has been another great week here! This week is transfers and I'm staying! I'm been in the same general area for a long time and I'm to the point where I definitely do not want to leave. I'm hoping I can just stay in this area for the rest of my mission. Not a lot of changes are happening in our zone and I'm excited for another great transfer!
The Easter pageant at the Mesa temple started this week and we having been trying to get as many people to it as possible. On Thursday night, the Highland West stake did something called "get on the bus." The stake got a couple of buses and had the members invite their friends to get on the bus to take them to the Easter pageant. It makes it really nice because they avoid the parking and they reserve seats for you. People come a couple hours early to find a good seat, so it made it really nice. They stake ended up taking four buses. It was pretty cool.
We did a couple service projects this week. I don't know if I have told you before or if you have already heard about the justserve program? I think I told you, but if not you can look it up at It gives us a great opportunity to serve in the community and serve along with non members. On Wednesday we helped pick fruit off citrus trees for a food bank for children. On Saturday we helped at a easter egg hunt for children with downs syndrome. On Sunday we helped do a non denominational devotional at a nursing home. It felt like we did a lot of service this week, but it was a lot of fun.
Right now we have one investigator that is consistently meeting with us. Right now he is traveling for work and is out of town during the week and home for the weekend. It makes it a little hard to teach him, but we were able to meet with him yesterday and we are meeting with him next Sunday. We also found a couple a great potentials this week. We were out on our bikes one day and we started talking to three high school age kids. We talked to them for a while, but they didn't seem really interested. Before we left we asked if we could watch a video with them. We had one of the kids pull out his iphone and find the new video that the church came out with for this Easter season. We watched it and afterwards we briefly taught and bore testimony of Jesus Christ, and we asked them how they felt after watching it. One of the kids said he felt refreshed. We talked to them a little more and set up a time to come back this week. It's amazing how when we bear testimony of Christ in simple ways it invites the spirit.
That video is an easy way to share your testimony with others and help them feel the spirit. It's really cool all that the church is doing to hasten the work of salvation. I'm guessing you have already seen the video since it is probably all over social media by now, but if not, it's called Because He Lives. It is an awesome video to share with everyone!
Last night we had an interesting experience. Usually on Sunday nights we have a couple of appointments or a fireside, but last night none of our appointments worked out. We found a couple of other people to stop by. Earlier in the day we had a lot of things to do and after dinner I didn't really want to ride around and try to find someone to talk to. We prayed before we left that evening and went out. We were riding our bikes and we passed by a house and I had the thought to knock on the door. We passed by it and went to the person we were going to, but on the way back we passed by it again and I felt we needed to knock the door. I've learned you might as well knock on the door rather than wonder later what might have happened. A man opened the door and we ended up talking to him for about 45 minutes. While we talked to him he asked some great questions and we talked about prophets and the Book of Mormon. He took the Book of Mormon, but didn't want to set up a time to meet with us. We said a prayer before we left. We ended up having a great lesson on his door step. After we got home that night I was tired and ready to go to bed. While I was thinking about our day I realized how much the Lord blessed us that day. It might not be easy to see the blessings throughout the stress of the day, but it's good to look back on the day and recognize those blessings.
I'm so grateful to be a missionary! Thank you Mom for sharing that missionary experience. It's always exciting to hear all the missionary experiences going on. I hope that I continue to always have that desire to share the gospel with everyone. The gospel of Jesus Christ brings us so much hope, peace, and joy. Hope you all have a wonderful Easter and enjoy general conference! Thank you for all of your prayers. I love you all so much!
Elder Joshua Gandy